T and R Kennels Miniature Pinschers
Email us today about our available Min Pin puppies or upcoming litters.
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About Us
This may not be your standard "about us" page but hopefully it isn't too boring!!

We are located just outside the small town of Sulphur Springs, Texas. We love country living and we are only 15 minutes from Sulphur Springs and a mere 90 minutes from Dallas, Texas!
Our Min Pins love the country life. There are so many things to smell and track. Missy likes to army crawl when she gets a whiff of something while she is on the leash. While running free (inside the safety of the fence) she is a bit of a digger. The breed can really lean towards their "ratter" nature and dig and possibly chase small animals--and even bugs. That is why it is important to always have them on a leash or in a fenced in area. Due to their terrier nature they can get so engrossed in the hunt they can get away from you and won't come back. Sometimes they go into a trance state while watching the cats through the fence. It is really hard to break their concentration. Roscoe even barks at and chases the birds that fly over head! However, Roscoe is thankfully pretty quiet indoors but outside he runs around barking at everything! Penny can be a bit of a handful for me and the dogs...she's the youngest right now so she is still wanting to play with everyone...the others just want to take care of their own business and then pee where everyone else has peed...they are a teensy bit territorial. Lady will play with her if she is in the mood. She is still fairly young and playful...Roscoe can be as well but he is more concerned about food...he came to live with us at about a year old and was very protective of his food bowl. I have read that this can happen and have tried to discourage it but after many years and enough food bowls for everyone to have their own he still guards his as if it were his last meal. He only growls and has never bitten anyone who sneaks some food from his bowl. I can even reach in and take it if I want and he won't growl at me. I think it is more of a game for them since they have other food bowls to choose from and they still compete for the one he is at...it is kind of like watching siblings fight over a toy...and once one of them looses interest in it neither want it.
Our dogs all live inside our home and love to sleep in their own kennel. Don't get me wrong they love to nap in my lap but at night they are ready to snuggle up under their blankets in their kennels. Sometimes they will want a bunk buddy and they will share their large kennels. I generally let them choose who they bunk with unless someone is pregnant or in heat then I do the choosing ;) Roscoe will pretty much go wherever you want him. Missy is retired now and is getting along in years and prefers to bunk alone most of the time. They are all happy wherever they end up as long as they get their good night treat and have a blanket to snuggle under! Every now and then if my husband is out of town for the night I let one of them be my bed buddy and they let me know if something is not right. They are on full alert all night...another reason they enjoy sleeping in their own kennel so they can actually rest (and so can I). Don't get me wrong if someone pulls up in the drive or knocks on the door they are all barking and carrying on...but when they are in the bed with me any noise sends them in to a tizzy!
I don't know if this is what an "about us" page is suppose to contain but hopefully it makes for a nice read.